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Botox Membership Club

frequently asked questions

Got Questions?

How long is the commitment?

Our goal is to help you achieve your beauty goals so we have designed our members to receive their results over the next 12 months.

How much money am I saving?

All of our membership levels are designed with BIG results and BIG savings in mind. The higher the membership level, the more results you will receive and the more you will save.

When can I join?

You are welcome to join at anytime:)

How often are my appointments?

For best results we need your cooperation and commitment for one Boutique Babe appointment every 3 months. Optional Flawless Packages will typically require 2 more visits during those 3 months.

Can I pause my membership?

We do not have the ability to pause memberships at this time.

If I am a Flawless Skin Boutique Babe, can my MD Skincare Kit be mailed to me?

The MD Skincare Kits are scheduled for pick up in-office at your every 3 month Boutique Babe appointment. We will not mail out the skincare kits due to lack of temperature control for the products.

Can I combine other loyalty points and/or discounts?

Loyalty points from Alle, Xperience and Aspire CAN be combined with your Boutique Babe unlimited additional Tox Savings. Loyalty points CAN also be combined with your Boutique Babe filler savings when applicable according the rules of each Loyalty program. We cannot combine Flawless Skin Boutique promos but you will always receive the pricing that benefits you the most!

Do you offer payment plans?

Purchasing inside the Boutique Babe app will have AFFIRM payment plans as an option. Purchasing in-clinic will have the options for CareCredit or Patient Fi.